Reader Feedback

Every so often I like to check in with you to get an idea of my blog’s audience and what my readers are interested in. Your feedback is useful to me and gives me guidance each time I sit down to write.

You may remember that I set a few goals for myself at the beginning of 2011. This being a feedback sort of post, I thought I’d give you an update as to the progress I’m making on those goals.

1. More original recipes: I haven’t really been counting, but I think I’ve written about 1 or 2 things that were of my own creation. Not too shabby. There’s hardly any recipe these days that can be considered truly original. My goal is to continue to present them in interesting ways.

2. Getting the word out: My goal was to write at least 3 meaningful comments on others’ blogs each time I published a post of my own. This worked out well at first, but has started to taper off as some of the blogs I read most often post more infrequently than I thought. This has forced me to discover new blogs all the time, but I need to continue to work on this goal and explore the possibilities of publicizing beyond trackbacks and comment hyperlinks.

3. Incorporate more multimedia: I have experimented with video and photo collages, minimally. Time to up the ante.

4. Start my kitchen garden: If you’ve been keeping up with my Sunday Garden Updates, you’ll likely agree with me that this goal is by far the closest to fruition. Perhaps my thumb is greener than I thought.

So don’t be shy–let me know what you think! Here’s a poll to help you express your opinions.

In addition, won’t you please take the time to leave me a comment, completing any of the following sentences:

Jessalyn would you please make
– Your blog’s functionality could be improved by…
– I just wanted to say that…

Thanks!! The poll will be open for a week. I’ll share my thoughts for moving forward based on the feedback you give.

4 thoughts on “Reader Feedback

  1. Deena says:

    Jessalyn, would you please make a pork bulkogi burrito? I had one from a food truck at this outside neighborhood beer drinking party in my neighborhood, and it was amazing! It had spicy pork bulkogi, fried rice, kimchee, and black blean cilantro salsa. Thinking about this burrito is starting to hamper my dissertation progress, so if I could learn how to make it, I still have a shot at graduating on time!

    I really love this blog and enjoy reading it 🙂

    • Jessalyn says:

      Deena! That sounds awesome. I’m going to scout out some pork at the farmers market tomorrow! (and consult my mama for some pulkogi advice)

  2. Harris says:

    Can you open your blog posts to full text for your RSS subscribers?

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